Dr. Hans Maric
Group Leader
Hans Maric recieved awards and funding from Lundbeck, Fonds der chemischen Industrie e.V., Hørslev, Brødrene Hartmann, Torben og Alice Frimodt, Exzellente Ideen, as well as the GSLS and IZKF of Würzburg. Since 2021 Hans is Emmy Noether group leader for Chemical Biology at the Rudolf Virchow Center.
Hans Maric obtained his Diploma in Chemistry ("sehr gut") in 2008 and his PhD ("Summa cum laude") in 2012. He joined the Strømgaard lab in Copenhagen Denmark, founder of the Welcome-Trust funded Avilex spin-off that pursues the development of conceptual novel neuropharmaceuticals. Hans then stayed as a guest researcher in the Kneussel lab at the Eppendorf Hospital in Hamburg, to return 2015 as Assistant Professor to the Center for Biopharmaceuticals in Copenhagen, Denmark.
+49 931 31-85371
Giorgia Danti
PhD Student
Giorgia graduated 110/110 cum laude in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology at the University of Bologna in Italy. Before starting in Maric lab she worked as a Medicinal Chemist on the synthesis of a chemical probe in the Bolognesi group (University of Bologna, Italy) as well as the Conway lab (University of Oxford, UK). Giorgia has recently set-up the high-throughput synthesis of peptide nucelic acids and currently explores the implementation of unnatural and natural modifications including macrocyclization into the array format.
+49 931 31-89094

Sonja Kachler
Technical Assistant
Sonja Kachler is Senior Laboratory Technician and contributes to management of the lab.
+49 931 31-80151

Vladimir Khayenko
PhD Student
Vladimir has graduated magna cum laude from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem with B.Sc. in Pharmacy and M.Sc. in Medicinal Chemistry. He synthesized activity-based probes in the lab of Prof Galia Blum (Hebrew University) before exploring affinity-based probes in the Maric lab since 2018. He developed ultra-specific and compact fluorescent probes, implemented them into high-end-microscopy and further pioneers their application in fixed and living cells. Inventor of Sylites, an affinity probe for resolving inhibitory synapse ultrastructure and neuronal connectivity.
+49 931 31-80218

Christiane Huhn
PhD Student
Christiane graduated “sehr gut” in Chemistry at the Humbold University Berlin. Her previous research in the Broichhagen and Börner groups focussed on peptidomimetics and peptidic fluorescent probes. Her goal is the development of synthetic fluorescent probes for high-end microscopy and novel translational bioimaging applications.
+49 931 31 86663
Kai Kreissner
Medical PhD Student
Kai studies human medicine at the University of Wuerzburg and since 2020, he is also part of the Translational Medicine Programme. He joined AG Maric in 2022 with a Fellowship of GSLS MD Excellence Program. Kai develops algorithms for the improved quantification and analysis of microarray data sets that he obtained screening patient samples.
+49 931 31-80151

Clemens Schulte
Phd Student
Clemens graduated from the University of Wuerzburg with an M.Sc. in Biochemistry in 2019. He obtained research experiences in the Sahay lab (Oregon Health and Science University, USA), as well as Luxenhofer lab (Würzburg) . Since the start of his doctoral studies, he focuses on the precise quantification and profiling of protein-protein interactions in vitro and ex vivo. To achieve this Clemens combines complementary high-throughput technologies for combinatorial synthesis and biophysical evaluation.
+49 931 31-89734
Ivan Talucci
PhD Student
Ivan has graduated 110/110 cum laude in Pharmaceutical Technology and Chemistry at the University G. d'Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara in Italy. In the Verginelli lab he applied biosynthetic protein display methods. Since 2020 he refined a microarray-based workflow for the purely synthetic display of protein autoantigens. He used the resulting technology plattform for the mapping of over 150 Autoantibodies and resolving over 200 binding epitopes using both the isolated antibodies as well as patient samples. He combines the array technology with proteomics to identify novel neurological disease-defining autoantigens and to explore the neutralization of the pathologic autoantibodies.
+49 931 31-82178

Omkar Valanju
Phd Student
Omkar obtained a B.Sc. in Pharmacy in Navi Mumbay, India and a M.Sc. in Medicinal Chemistry at the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research in Nagar Punjab, India. After working as synthetic and computational chemist in the lab of Prof. Prasad Bharatam in Nagar Punjab, India, he joined the Maric lab in 2021 with goal to combine synthetic chemistry with proteomic readouts to identify, map and exploit protein-protein interactions mediated by intrinsically disordered protein regions.
+49 931 31-85477