Internship Biology
Katharina Karch
Medical PhD Human Medicine
Pediatrician specialization at the University Hospital Würzburg
Aida Muñoz Blázquez
Erasmus Student Biology
Master Thesis Biochemistry
Visiting Researcher, Greiff Lab, Oslo, Norway
Rene Weyer
Master Thesis Biochemistry
PhD Student, Kuhn Lab, Vegetative Physiology, Würzburg, Germany
Sarah Buchmann
Master Thesis Biology
David Baumstark
Master Thesis Biology
Scientist I Biophysics, Kinetics 2bind GmbH Regensburg
Paraskevi Samara
Erasmus Student Biology
Rafael Worschech
Master Thesis Biochemistry
PhD Student, Meinel Lab, Pharmaceutical Technology, Würzburg, Germany
Erasmus Student Biology
Rico Petermann
Master Thesis Biology
Area Sales Representative Amedes-Group, Göttingen, Germany
Markus Bayer
Medical PhD expected 2023
Human Medicine Dtudent at the University of Würzburg
Violetta Peck
Medical PhD expected 2023
Human Medicine Student at the University of Würzburg
Master Thesis Biochemistry
PhD Student, Maric Lab
Mark Löbel
Master Thesis Biochemistry
PhD Student, Newstead Lab, Oxford, UK
Noah Frieder Nordblom
Medical Phd Dentist expected 2023
Clinical Doctor and Data Scientist in the Falk Schwendicke Lab, Charité Berlin, Germany
Dr. Shuang Yan Wang
Postdoc 2018-2019
Bachelor Thesis Biomedicine
David Baumstark
Internship Biology
Scientist I Biophysics, Kinetics 2bind GmbH Regensburg